Monthly Archives: October 2014

last days of San Francisco

Last Days of San Francisco

All good things come to an end.  I write this last post already back in England.  Difficulties with internet made it too difficult to continue, so I am writing as a home returned traveller – returned home safe and sound.  I am very happy to be home I realise, so happy to be reunited with family and with friends.  The daily weave of life is being picked up slowly and with appreciation for what I have here in Cambridge. To read more of this post click here.

San Francisco General Hospital Wellness Centre

SFGH – CARE group

I catch the 14 bus to the Mission District, 20th street. Great to be recognising landmarks, and areas. I get off near by Ruth’s Table and walk 10 or so blocks east towards the Hospital (SFGH). Away from the busier commercial streets, I am walking through a residential area. To read more of this post click here.